Saturday, November 26, 2011

Disgraceful Super Gurus

RENN opened for trading on May 4th at 15.01 as per Tradestation. Some people may have a different level as their opening price.

As of Friday, the stock was trading at $3.71.

There were certain super-gurus who not just gave a recommendation on this stock, but super hyped the living crap out of it. they likely destroyed many people who follow them.

You could blame the followers as being blind sheep, but is that really fair? The way these super gurus hype themselves, fabricate results and humiliate you by making it seem like you are missing the BIG moves. You sure are! the big DOWNSIDE moves of their recommended longs.

Not a word of apology from these scumbags, and that's what drives me up the wall. They act like they are never wrong, and they delete these recommendations from their websites, Facebook pages and Twitter streams. Frauds like no other!

REFUSE TO BE A VICTIM ANY LONGER! Show these scumbags how you feel by acting with your wallet. Do not support their luxury lifestyles any longer. Make them apologize for when they are very very very very wrong.


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