Friday, January 6, 2012

January Effect Results

These are HYPOTHETICAL RESULTS based on the mechancial rules set forth in the video I did  at the end of December and the list I sent out on December 27th.

These are not my actual results, as I did not trade any of these securities or their derivatives.

Please read any and all disclaimers.

The results:

FSLR Entry 32.94 Exit 35.60 Winner 8%
AONE Entry 1.80 Exit 2.10 Winner 16.6%
RENN Entry 3.43 Exit 3.48 Small Winner this continues to be a piece of crap super guru hyped stock 1.4%
HGSI Entry 7.07 Exit 7.82 Winner 10.6%
SCHS Entry 2.67 Exit 2.35 Worst loser (% wise)  Nice bounce into the close! -12%
NFLX Entry 70.60 Exit 85.08 Nice winner, and rules are rules, this one went another $2 20.5%
PWR Entry 21.76 Exit 21.71 Small loser -.2%
CWTR Entry 1.06 Exit 1.01 Loser this one had such promise early on -5%
PNSN Entry 1.15 Exit 1.14 small loser -.9%
RIMM- Entry 14.25 Exit 15.35 Winner (this was exit either way) 7.7%

PWER- This won’t be official but this was the real stock, not PWR.  Those that got the list late got this instead of PWR. Entry 4.01 Exit 4.08

BAC Entry 5.48 Exit 6.18 Winner 12.7%
AA Entry 8.79 Exit 9.16 Winner 4.2%
HPQ Entry 25.65 Exit 26.55 Winner 3.5%
JPM Entry 33.03 Exit 35.36 Winner 7%
CSCO Entry 18.58 Exit 18.99 Winner 2.2%
DD Entry 46.23 Exit 46.04 Loser, was a winner until today -.4%
MSFT Entry 26.04 Exit 27.97 Winner 7.4%
UTX Entry 74.03 Exit 73.90 Small loser -.17%
MMM Entry 82.28 Exit 83.43 Winner 1.4%
CAT Entry 91.55 Exit 95.89 Winner 4.7%

Totals: 14 Winners, 6 losers

89.23% total = 4.46% overall return using equal allotment to each   

This does not include slippage, more favorable or worse entries or exits, or commissions.

All these stocks were based on the January Effect, not luck, dreams, gut or feel.  Unlike others who had to have news bail them out, good or bad, these were the stocks that followed the trend.  

Three that just missed the list were:GS, DANG (look at previous posts under the January Effect label, and you will see I mentioned them as possibilities) and LNKD.  All three would have been winners, and any one of them would have been a nice substitute for SCHS! 

Overall, while the gain is nice, it's one trade and should not make or break anyone's year.
I had requests to be more hands on with management, so next year I’m going to offer a class and list with management and daily updates for those that want it.  There will be a nominal fee, nowhere near what the super gurus charge. 

Have a great rest of 2012!


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