Wednesday, December 14, 2011


Don't pay ridiculous prices for over guaranteed, under delivered, super hyped January Effects classes.  You will be SORELY disappointed when you see that the plays given are stolen from other services and no real information on the "trend" is given.  These super gurus don't have an original thought in their greedy heads.

I've already received messages regarding a free play that was given out at one of these hype fests to get you to sign up and how it was obviously front run and pumped and dumped, trading to lows today.  I wish I would have gotten it early to call it a short as that turned out to be the easiest money in the world!  I wasn't there the day it was given out, I had something much more important to do that night, I think I had to cut my toenails.


I'm getting lots of questions as well as requests to do a class, so look for an announcement next week.. Oh, and it will be free, but yes you will have to register and may receive promotions on services that I offer.  You won't get calls from a den of thieves out west that humiliate-sell you by telling you to use multiple credit cards or your HELOC to pay for the mentoring that is at best, beginner.  You will receive these calls if you sign up for the super guru hyped January Effects classes

If you already paid, DEMAND a refund and save yourself the disappointment of realizing you were scammed.  If not, e-mail me afterwards and don't worry, I won't give you an "I told you so"..


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