Apparently, some people think I was talking about only one scumbag that super hyped RENN.
There were at least a dozen people that provided super hype on RENN. Do a Google search and check it out, because some still had the balls to keep it on their sites, even though they pretended like they never said anything and never admitted they were wrong. This includes some people at some big sites, as well as some that are not that big, but people still follow them, and make bad decisions based on their recommendations, no matter what they say. After all, they wouldn't be hyping it if they didn't want people to follow them, would they?
When RENN was set to start trading, it was being pushed as the Facebook of China. So many of these scoundrels own Facebook through private offerings, and they are hoping to super hype the crap out of anything that has to do with social media so that they can cash out in Facebook either in the secondary market or when it finally IPOs.
I don't have any issue with these scoundrels being wrong. I'm wrong all the time! The difference is I don't try to cover it up, or pretend I never said what I did. that's beyond despicable, its disingenuous, duplicitous, and a few more words I can throw in to make myself seem smart!
REFUSE TO BE SCAMMED! DO your research and see for yourself what I am talking about. These scoundrels should disclose their private share holdings and why they are so fast to push brand new IPOs that have no price history to base trades off of.
It may seem like ancient history, but there will be plenty of opportunities coming up for these scumbags to push their agendas. Don't believe the hype.
Two thumbs up. Way up. Nicely said!!!