Monday, September 5, 2011

Those scummy, smelly super gurus

Well, I've heard it all now. Not to get into specifics, but anyone that is attending the upcoming super deluxe scamathon should have their head examined. Sorry, I usually have sympathy for victims but this is basically volunteered victimization.

You will be SORELY disappointed, as there will be nothing new taught, and it will all be dribble. These scumbags need to make up classes to teach because they have no real substance in what they do. Their way of gambling....errr trading is to load up on options, and if they lose, run another class, reload their gambling errrr trading account and do it again. You can always tell when they are losing, because the classes come out!

If you are being stonewalled for a refund, seek legal advice, and if you have to, contact your State Attorney General's office or the FTC. They are there to help.


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