Tuesday, July 19, 2011

A crappy day

Can't shake the crappiness of the day off, so I'll write about it.

I started the day off well, I passed on the fade and took some trades off the divergence at highs early on.

Then I got stubborn, and didn't see that the President was set to speak, so I shorted anticipating a breakdown. As soon as the trade started to creep against me and I found out about the President speaking, I should have immediately gotten out and took the small loss, but I held through, scalped around the position, and wound up not gaining any ground as the market kept going up in my face.

Classic trend fighting like a complete chump.

My only consolation was that I kept it small, and Ill be back to fight another day.

What I hate more than losing is losing because I broke my rules. Losing is part of the business, but ignoring the rules should not be. I'm NOT happy right now. If I followed my rules, maybe I lose later on, but maybe I wind up staying flat and booking my profits that I had earlier instead of sacrificing them in the name of stroking my ego and trying to pick a direction without confirmation. I don't suggest that as a trading plan to build a business off of, but hey, maybe that's just me.

Anyway, I would love to go hit the punching bag, but I might break a fingernail. Thank goodness there's no ice cream in the house or I would be freezing my brain right about now.

Time to go play with the kids, that always cheers me up!


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