Saturday, September 6, 2014

The super Guru has called a massive Bull market rally!

After failing MISERABLY calling tops for 2 years and destroying his followers in the process, the Facebook fan buying super guru has now made a bold prediction that we will have a strong rally into the end of the year.

I guess the trend finally matters huh?  This makes me VERY NERVOUS, because this douche is never right, and even though I've been bullish for a while (it ain't magic, the trend has been up for years) I'm almost ready to switch sides here just on his strong opinion.

Maybe this phony will make enough money fleecing his followers on some expensive list or workshop to pay the workers they screwed over?  Nah, he'll spend it on nannies and sushi.

I love the penny stock calls, that are "rarely" given.  ROFLMAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO.

DON'T BELIEVE THE HYPE! Anyone who constantly tells you how great they are and mentions maybe an occasional small loser (that of course they got right back 500 times over) should be ran away from as fast as your legs can move you.

Stay safe, the predators are out in full force.
