Saturday, December 29, 2012

2 New Articles On The Website

I posted 2 new articles on the Stock Market Trends X website.

go to and look under Recent Articles


Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Sunday, December 9, 2012

DELL is NOT a January Effects trade

I've received numerous questions regarding DELL over the past week or so, asking if this qualified as a January Effects trade or not.

While there may be a scoundrel or three claiming to have NAILED DELL as their first official call on an overpriced, over-hyped list, I hate to break it to them, but it's not part of the January Effect tendency to go up the first week of December.

The stock was upgraded by Goldman soon after it was released, which kind of makes you wonder if there was a leak from someone that was bribed to give upgrades before they were given to anyone else. I don't even know if that is illegal, but if that were the case it would definitely be immoral not to fully disclose the reason, while loading the boat up and getting in ahead of the call, yet again..  Since these scumbags have no shame they really have nothing to be ashamed about.

The truth is, it was PURE LUCK, which is how these super gurus trade and make calls.  the quesiton you need to ask yourself is- what if the luck turns?  Can you affords to be on the other side of the luck?  The super gurus surely can, because they have already stolen acquired your money and are free-rolling while you pay for their nannies and sushi.

THINK before you give away your money to these losers.


Market Autopsy Video For The Week Ending December 7th, 2012

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

You know you are a pathetic loser super guru when...

Your biggest accomplishment is setting up Zendesk to do your customer service and you brag about it!
