Monday, April 30, 2012

No video for Tuesday

It's May Day, and I expect it to be a choppy session.  Monday we didn't go very far after the initial push down off the open.

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Sunday Night Strategy Sessions

Great turnout this week and I want to than everyone that attended. 

The feedback has been terrific, and it proves that you don't have to be a washed up stink breathed super guru to get people to come and participate in a great discussion.  It's not based on lies, and I don't pump up my private market holdings every change I get.  I can't wait for those that do to get what's coming to them.  They are true filthbags that take advantage of their followers and subscribers..

Join me this Sunday for another Strategy Session.  There is a lecture, followed by Q&A where you can ask about your stocks, options, market thoughts, whatever you want, and you don't have to pay and arm and a leg to hear someone double talk you, like these scoundrel super gurus do so they can screech "We help people!  We were right!  I told you!". .

Big news coming soon, I'm excited.  More details to follow.

Have a great week,


Thursday, April 26, 2012

S&P 500 video For Friday, April 27th, 2012

Split market

The first 90 minutes are in here, and the market is choppy, while being split leadership wise.

The NASDAQ is lagging as it was the only one of the big 4 (NDX, SPX, RUT, INDU) that did not hit a new high after 10AM, and is now headed to a new low of day, but still just off of being flat on the session.

The Russell is hanging the best % wise at least for now, but overall, we seem to be slip sliding away here

Perma-Bulls (and Bears) beware, we could be in for some range trading ahead of us


Wednesday, April 25, 2012

U.S. Financial System: Is It Finally Stable?

Bernanke comments raise questions about banks

By Elliott Wave International

Four years after we brushed up against "financial Armageddon," it appears our financial system is still not as stable as it needs to be. We believe that you should plan ahead for a run on bank deposits. Here's why. Read More.

S&P 500 Video For Thursday, April 26th, 2012

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

S&P 500 Video For Wednesday, April 25th, 2012- FOMC day!

Sheep led to slaughter, again

For those that followed a super guru blindly and believed that the NASDAQ and AAPL were giving a flashing warning sign on the mega stocks expected earnings being disappointed, I'm sorry for your loss.  While this will be denied and backed up with statements like "we said small," or "it was "iffy", a play that stated go heavier on the put side was clear as glass, but will likely never be spoken about again, as all losers get brushed under the table.

You can NEVER EVER predict what will happen after earnings, no matter how a stock or the market acts ahead of it's earnings release.  Sadly, these scumbags know this, but obviously haven't learned to respect it.  After all, didn't they make millions when the market was easy for any gambler to load up on options and just let it fly?

You'll never hear from this cretin again, as he will never return your emails or answer your inquiries.  Instead, he'll make up something about someone being sick or how has to go and save the world and will be back soon. Translation: when there is another scam to run. Hopefully you will have learned your lesson and moved on.

STAY AWAY!  Get an education and learn to understand how the market works.  Then, and only then, use newsletters and services to enhance your trading, not rule it.


Monday, April 23, 2012

S&P 500 Video for Tuesday, April 24th, 2012

I absolutely love it when the know nothing super gurus....

Start using terms they think they understand


They never have an original thought in their head, and everything they say is based on what subscriptions they have that they steal their plays and commentary from.

Frauds through and through!


Monday, April 16, 2012

S&P Video For Tuesday, April 17th, 2012

NASDAQ leading the way down

Not a good sign where the previous relative strength leader is now the leader to the downside.  This isn't surprising with AAPL and the big G getting cracked

Looking for a retest and probable break of lows, but could set up a nice double bottom into lunch


Thursday, April 12, 2012

S&P 500 Video For Friday, April 13th, 2012



The market is ripping the crap out of the Bears today, yet again.

I was looking for a test back down before we got a bounce, or at the least, some more consolidation (see today's video) but it was not to be, unless you count some pre-day session activity.

We are into thick resistance here, which suggests we could PAUSE, but strong momentum and breadth doesn't bode well for an all out reversal.

I completely empathize with those that are looking for a high, I get it, it's tough to believe the trend when it gets this extended, but to start calling tops after one pullback seems a bit premature. At the least, as I've been saying, there should be a retest up to seal the deal. Maybe this is that retest, but we won't know until it burns out. Guessing is what will get you in the most trouble..


Tuesday, April 10, 2012

S&P 500 Video For Wednesday, April 11th, 2012

4 Year Bull Market? really?

No video for Tuesday, so here we go

Looks like a flat opening.  Im on the sidelines until we tip out hand one way or the other

Id {like} to see a push down to the 50 day moving average on the daily chart, followed by a reversal.

What I like and what happens?  Often times are not in sync!


Monday, April 9, 2012

No Video For Tuesday....yet

My computer is giving me fits, so I'm rebooting and going to sleep

Ill try to do a video in the AM, but  I'm still looking for the 50 day moving average to be tested and perhaps setup a turnaround Tuesday.
